
A Stay that’s Provençal but definitely not Provincial

A Stay that’s Provençal but definitely not Provincial

Imagining a medieval priory as being somewhat basic in what it is has to offer is entirely understandable. But La Verriere is far from basic. Tucked away on the edge of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a large part of the charm of this whole house hire is its idyllic seclusion. But rather than being a slightly provincial or ‘shabby chic’ place to stay, La Verriere oozes with eco-luxury accommodation and provides guests with a ‘medieval meets modern’ taste of Provence - from the beautiful setting, to the gastronomic organic and locally sourced food, to the biodynamic wines produced from the estate’s ancient vineyards.

Why Sustainability Doesn’t Need to be Utilitarian (Even in a Priory)

Why Sustainability Doesn’t Need to be Utilitarian (Even in a Priory)

Sustainability is sometimes associated with living simply and austerely. This is not the case at La Verrière.

Our goal from the start has been to preserve the integrity and history of the abandoned medieval estate and its prehistoric terroir, while enhancing its exceptional character with sustainable, organic and biodynamic practices - in the priory, in the vineyard and in the winery. Since we began renovating the property in the 1990s, we have worked hard to restore and protect the delicate ecosystem that existed long before the Templars farmed the land in the 9th century. We are located high up in a mountain saddle within the heart of the Mt Ventoux UNESCO Biosphere Reserve completely isolated, with no neighbours or contaminants, creating a perfect laboratory for pioneering practices that forge new thinking about caring for our surrounding nature, our planet and our health.